Reading Update


A few of my favorite things this morning! I havent let you guys in on what I’m reading in a while, so I thought I’d share some of my current interests. Mary Pipher is probably my new favorite author. She’s a therapist and doctor in psychology who likes to write about culteral issues, culteral trauma, and other things. I will warn you she IS highly political and I don’t always agree with everything she says, but she has some good points.

The other book is a devotional called The Confident Woman (yes I know its September not February. A month ago I wanted to start the book immediately and not wait until the 1st of the year. Sue me.) I don’t know about your guys’s religions, and sometimes I don’t know about mine. I do believe spirituality is an important component of overall health (in conjunction with physical, mental, emotional, etc…) and is something we all need to address. I haven’t addressed it much on this blog because I think thats a journey we all need to take for ourselves. But for those of you out there who believe in Jesus and The Bible, this book is an awesome resource, especially for anyone strugling with self image.

And then for a non-reading favorite, my new protein waffles! These are literally the bomb, especially smothered in frozen blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. I use a heaping scoop (a little more than a half serving) of MyProtein’s diet (the diet proteins have flaxseed and ground oats to add carbs) vanilla cookie protein, an egg, a teaspoon of baking powder, a teaspoon of oat bran, a tablespoon of wheat bran, a sprinkle of ginger, a sprinkle of allspice, and about a half teaspoon of cinnamon. Add water to consistency and cook in a waffle iron!

So yeah I pretty much changed your life! You can thank me later. In all seriousness though, try it! Hope you all have fantastic beautiful days!